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Looking Forward to Spring


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Beautiful Spring Flowers

I've finally caught my breath just in time to lose it again as the seasons change. We've made it through a low-key spring break and on to a long Easter Weekend. Today was a gorgeous Good Friday filled with sunshine and kiddos playing outside. It would seem Spring has sprung in the mid-west, but around here I'm sure we'll have Winter weather again in a few days before we get our "real" Spring. This hasn't stopped new life from budding on the homestead though. My favorite Lilac trees and a few select flowers are emerging from their slumber and showing signs of warmer weather to come, which has us looking forward to Spring!

The plants aren't the only things springing in to new life. We currently have 13 chicken eggs in an incubator (This one is our Favorite) with 1 chick that surprised us and hatched today! We also have 5 chicks we picked up from Farm & Fleet a week ago that welcomed our new hatch in with open wings. Normally, we would leave all the new chicks together until they are dry and look nice and puffy. Then, they are moved to a brooder where they are kept nice and warm until they are ready to head out to the big coop and be carefully integrated in with the OG Girls.

The Chickens aren't the only animals reproducing either. Our beautiful long haired black cat Pepper, is also expecting her first litter. We knew she was getting close this past week, so we kept a close eye on her until today, she is nowhere to be found. She is indoor/outdoor and she's very smart. We suspect she's hiding somewhere perfect for her to become a new Mom and show us when she's ready.....BREAKING NEWS: As I type I just heard my husband exclaim Pepper! out in the living room. After further investigation she did in fact have her kittens somewhere inside, but we have no idea where they are haha! I'll keep you posted.

As the weather gradually warms up we are able to take on some fun seasonal projects that we are really looking forward to. So many Homemade goodies from nature and a little from sugar too. With that being said, we have a new product that we are excited to launch in the very near future. It's gaining popularity everywhere and we couldn't help but jump on the band wagon knowing it will benefit our homestead in so many ways!

I can't wait to show you. Stick around!





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